Trained to Kill

Trained to Kill


1h 34m

  • Type : movies
  • Release Date : 02-February-1990
  • Locations : Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Countries : United States
  • Languages : English
  • Links : IMdb

After a retired US army man is murdered by a crime lord, his two sons, one of them adopted after the old man rescued him from Cambodia during the Vietnam war, train hard and then start looking for the criminal to avenge their father.

Image Name Type Role
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Marshall R. Teague as Felix in Trained to Kill movie poster

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Marshall R. Teague in Trained to Kill Japanese VHS cover

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Robert Z'Dar and Marshall R. Teague in Trained to Kill (1989)

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Robert Z'Dar and Marshall R. Teague in Trained to Kill (1989)

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Glen Eaton and Frank Zagarino in Trained to Kill (1989)

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Marshall R. Teague in Trained to Kill (1989)

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Trained to Kill (1989)

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Trained to Kill (1989)